Lifestyle and Weight Management Services

The NHS has a range of advice and tools to help with weight loss which you can find here. This includes advice and tools on how to get started with weight loss, information on Type 2 diabetes and a download to the free NHS Weight Loss Plan. 

Further resources for professionals and referrers can be found here

Resources for people living in Birmingham

Click on the links below in bold for more information about the programmes. 

Active Wellbeing Programmesfree community based leisure, group activities and physical activity programmes for wellbeing

Be Active memberships

Birmingham Digital Adult Weight Management Programme - Healum-  12 week adult weight management programme delivered via a mobile app for those:

  • Aged 16 years and over
  • With a body mass index – BMI – of 25kg/m2, or >23kg/m2 if you are from an Asian or Black origin​​​
  • Live in Birmingham or are registered with a Birmingham GP. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​You can self-refer by emailing

Beezee Bodies are in person courses that provide 1 to 1 nutrition support from a dietician, realistic weight goals based on your medication and health conditions, with friendly support network of people like you. You can watch a short video about the programme.

The service is avaialble for adults aged 16 years and over, living with a physical, visual  impairment, learning disability or autism. Participants must have the ability to consent to take part and have a body mass index – BMI – of 25kg/m2, or >23kg/m2 if you from an Asian or Black origin. Participants need to live in Birmingham or see a Birmingham GP.

Self-refer by going to

BeeZee Families is a free 16-week programme designed to help children aged 5-12 who are above a healthy weight, along with their families, adopt lasting healthy habits. Led by experts, the programme provides practical advice, fun activities, and a supportive environment to encourage positive lifestyle changes. Families can choose from different ways to participate, making it easier to fit the programme into their schedules.

Participants can attend in-person weekly group sessions, which include tailored support, engaging activities, and take-home resources. Online group sessions offer a more flexible option with weekly one-hour interactive sessions over 10 weeks, plus two check-in calls. For those needing even more flexibility, BeeZee Academy provides self-paced online learning for six months. The programme is available to families in Birmingham with children who are above their ideal weight according to the NHS BMI centile chart.

Sign up

Adults can self-register here if their GP has sent a letter or text which confirming they are at risk of Type 2 diabetes. To be eligible for this programme individuals must have had a blood test (Hba1c), that is used to help diagnose type 2 diabetes by measuring blood glucose levels. 

If your results have shown a level of 42-47 mmol/mol or Fasting Plasma Glucose between 5.5-6.9 mmol/l and are dated within the last 12 months; or you have a history of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) you can self-register.

University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust or Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust both run weight management programmes.  You will only be referred to these services if a doctor has assessed that you meet one or more of the following criteria:

Bariatric Surgery Criteria – University Hospitals Birmingham only

1. People with a body mass index of more than 50

2. People with a body mass index of more than 35 AND type 2 diabetes (for less than 10 years)

Weight management -  University Hospitals Birmingham and Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust

1. Precancerous or cancerous conditions in which weight management would improve outcomes by allowing access to treatments that were too high risk at starting BMI

2. Patients requiring weight loss for solid organ transplantation.

3. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) requiring frequent lumber punctures and/or visual compromise.

4. Patients undergoing planned time sensitive surgery (including bariatric surgery) for life-limiting conditions*, where high BMI is the primary barrier to surgery and weight loss would be beneficial.

5. Weight loss is required for assisted conception in women under the care of a fertility service, in cases where weight loss would be beneficial.

6. Severe obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) and/or severe asthma.

7. Proven genetic cause of obesity and not eligible for Setmelanotide

*Life-limiting defined as any condition where life is extended by the intervention.


Click on the links below in bold for more information about more weight management programmes in Birmingham: 

Be Active+Exercise Referral Scheme - Be Active + is free.  The programme is available to sedentary or inactive individuals aged 14 and over, who are registered at a Birmingham GP, and have an existing health condition or other risk factors for disease. A patient needs to have 2 or more low risk conditions, or 1 or more medium risk conditions according to the inclusion criteria.  The programme is 12 weeks and offered at a number of leisure facilities across the city.

NHS Digital Weight Management Service  a targeted support offer and access to weight management services in primary care for adults with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or hypertension with a BMI of 30+ (adjusted for ethnicity)

National Diabetes Prevention Programme

NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme a low calorie treatment for adults in Birmingham and Solihull living with Type 2 diabetes who are above a healthy weight. The 12-month programme is completely free but individuals can only take part via referral from their GP practice.

Resources for people living in Solihull

Click on the links below in bold for more information about the programmes. 

Solihull on the move  free activities, local community groups and clubs, and home exercise options

Healthy Weight Programmes a number of options are available to support residents concerned about their weight in Solihull. 

Adults can self-register here if their GP has sent a letter or text which confirming they are at risk of Type 2 diabetes.

To be eligible for this programme individuals must have had a blood test (Hba1c), a test that is used to help diagnose type 2 diabetes by measuring blood glucose levels.  If your results have shown a level of 42-47 mmol/mol or Fasting Plasma Glucose between 5.5-6.9 mmol/l and are dated within the last 12 months; or you have a history of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) you can self-register.

University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust or Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust both run weight management programmes.  You will only be referred to these services if a doctor has assessed that you meet one or more of the following criteria:

Bariatric Surgery Criteria – University Hospitals Birmingham only

1. People with a body mass index of more than 50

2. People with a body mass index of more than 35 AND type 2 diabetes (for less than 10 years)

Weight management -  University Hospitals Birmingham and Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust

1. Precancerous or cancerous conditions in which weight management would improve outcomes by allowing access to treatments that were too high risk at starting BMI

2. Patients requiring weight loss for solid organ transplantation.

3. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) requiring frequent lumber punctures and/or visual compromise.

4. Patients undergoing planned time sensitive surgery (including bariatric surgery) for life-limiting conditions*, where high BMI is the primary barrier to surgery and weight loss would be beneficial.

5. Weight loss is required for assisted conception in women under the care of a fertility service, in cases where weight loss would be beneficial.

6. Severe obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) and/or severe asthma.

7. Proven genetic cause of obesity and not eligible for Setmelanotide

*Life-limiting defined as any condition where life is extended by the intervention.


Click on the links below in bold for more information about weight loss programmes available for residents in Solihull:

DocSpot Exercise referral, individuals aged 16 and over, who live in Solihull or have a Solihull GP, and have an existing health condition or other risk factors.

NHS Digital Weight Management Service  a targeted support offer and access to weight management services in primary care for adults with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or hypertension with a BMI of 30+ (adjusted for ethnicity)

National Diabetes Prevention Programme

NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme a low calorie treatment for adults in Birmingham and Solihull living with Type 2 diabetes who are above a healthy weight. The 12-month programme is completely free but individuals can only take part via referral from their GP practice.

Weight loss injections- tirzepatide

About tirzepatide

  • Tirzepatide works by supressing appetite centres in the brain that control gut hormones. It decreases the appetite and slows the movement of food passing through the body, making you feel fuller for longer.
  • Clinical trials have shown tirzepatide can help people living with obesity lose up 20% of their starting body weight, depending on the dose and accompanying diet and lifestyle support.
  • Tirzepatide can only be prescribed by a healthcare professional alongside programmes which support people to lose weight and live healthier lives by making changes to their diet and physical activity
  • Tirzepatide comes as an injection, which can be self-administered once a week.

You can read the updated NICE guidelines for tirzepatide here


  • People in England over the age of 18 who are living with obesity and another weight-related health issue will be able to access the weight loss drug tirzepatide through specialist weight management services (SWMS) from spring 2025. In primary care services, access will begin in summer 2025
  • Tirzepatide is currently prescribed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes but will now also be available for weight loss purposes.

  • This medication is for people living with obesity who have a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or over and a weight related health problem; or a BMI of 32.5 and one weight related health problem for people from South Asian, Chinese, other Asian, Middle Eastern, Black African or African-Caribbean ethnic backgrounds, as they are at a higher risk of medical problems at a lower BMI. 
  • NHS England will provide more information early next year about exactly which weight related health problems will benefit the most from tirzepatide and which will be eligible for consideration for the medication.

  • Introducing this new treatment to NICE’s estimated 3.4 million eligible patients requires the NHS in England to develop a completely new service for primary care and many healthcare professionals will need to be trained to deliver it.  A staged approach will help manage demand on existing healthcare services. This allows the safe prescribing of tirzepatide and the appropriate support for patients.
  • Tirzepatide will initially be offered to individuals facing the most significant health risks related to their weight, starting in spring 2025 through specialist weight management services (SWMS).
  • Tirzepatide will not immediately be available and will not be accessible to everyone who wishes to use it. Initially, tirzepatide will only be available on the NHS to those expected to benefit the most. People who are eligible for tirzepatide through primary care services should only expect to start to get access by mid 2025.

  • A staged approach to service rollout within primary care means NHS in England will manage the flow of patients to the health system so it does not become overwhelmed.
  • This approach will ensure the service is delivered safely and that the NHS in England is able to plan for an increase in service demand, whilst building specific skills and knowledge within the workforce.

  • Patients can continue taking tirzepatide if they are prescribed it to manage their diabetes.
  • If patients are using tirzepatide they have acquired privately, they may be able to access the medication through an NHS prescription if they meet the NICE and NHS qualifying criteria. More information about this will be made available in the new year.

  • Tirzepatide might not be suitable for everyone and not everyone who meets the eligibility criteria will want to use it to support their weight loss. A healthcare professional will discuss the most appropriate care and support, based on individual patient’s need. This could include behavioural support programmes, medical options including prescribing or bariatric surgery.

  • A healthcare professional will determine if it is appropriate for you to receive tirzepatide as part of your care in a different care setting (for example, through primary care).

  • Any patient prescribed tirzepatide must participate in the specifically designed ‘wraparound’ care required by NICE guidance. This focuses on diet, nutrition and increasing physical activity. As NHS England develops the service, it will provide more details of the wraparound support offer for patients who qualify. Patients cannot be prescribed tirzepatide if they do not wish to undertake the wraparound care support.

  • Normal prescription charges will apply unless you are entitled to free NHS prescriptions (for example, because you have a medical exemption certificate).

Phased rollout of tirzepatide

You can read more about the tirzepatide prescribing recommendations here

Tirzepatide is the most recent medication to be recommended by NICE (December 2024) for some eligible groups for managing obesity. NICE and NHS England have announced it will take 12 years to fully implement the guidance recommendations. This means it will not be available to everyone meeting the criteria in the NICE guidance straight away.

Initially, trizepatide will initially only be available in specialist weight management services.

NHS England have proposed a total guidance implementation period of 12 years, in 3 parts:

  • 1: An additional 90 days before any requirement on ICBs to fund tirzepatide, providing a 180‑day implementation period

  • 2: After the 180 days, a period of 3 years in which eligibility will increase in stages to around 220,000 patients, selected based on health need and clinical benefit, and

  • 3: After this, up to a maximum of a further 9 years, dependent upon maturation of the obesity treatment pathway in primary care.

As part of the phased roll out, tirzepatide will initially be offered to adults with the most significant health problems related to their weight. NHS England will publish further details soon about which patients will be eligible first.