The all age continuing healthcare service consists of services for children and adults.

All age continuing healthcare service.pngThe adults' service is known as NHS continuing healthcare (CHC) and the children and young people's service is known as children and young people's (CYP) continuing care.

A CYP continuing care package will be required when a child or young person has needs arising from disability, accident or illness that cannot be met by existing universal or specialist services alone. The children and young people’s continuing care national framework provides guidance when assessing the complex health needs of children and young people, aged zero to 17.

For people aged 18 and above, NHS CHC, as well as NHS-funded nursing care, allows a package of care to be provided outside of hospital. In Birmingham and Solihull, it is arranged and funded by NHS Birmingham and Solihull for people aged 18 years and over who have significant ongoing healthcare needs and have been assessed as having a primary health need.

If you receive NHS CHC or your child receives continuing care, you now have the right to have a personal health budget (PHB) for you to manage your care support. Visit the personal health budget page to learn more.

Support for carers

Age UK | A national charity providing support for older citizens, well as their carers. One of the resources Age UK offer is a factsheet on paying for care and support at home.

Birmingham Carers Hub | Birmingham Carers Hub offers a wide range of support and services to carers in Birmingham.

Carers Trust Solihull | An independent charity providing free and meaningful support to carers, supporting their emotional and physical wellbeing, preventing crisis and keeping families together. 

Further support

An organisation named Beacon offers support to individuals and their families in England who need help navigating the NHS continuing healthcare process. Visit the Beacon website to learn more.

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